Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pitch Draft - Gathering information

This is the information I'm gathering in my head so I can formulate out a pitch. Roll with it.

Setting: present day or near future (within 2 decades), major political center city, winter

List of scenes:
- attempted suicide failure (or is it a failure?), setting in bathroom.
- flashback (sets up motivation, audience gains character history)
- suit up and enter city
- guy trying to stab woman. antihero casually walks by a shoots him in the back of the head. walks away (background blurred with character's torso in focus as she walks away. possible shrieks from woman being attacked)
- walking scene with narration, narration should serve as an informant to motivation and actions
- passes prostitutes, drug dealers, similar types of criminals - serves the purpose that she is not interested in ridding the world of all crime, only violent crime
- turns down seemingly quiet dark alley and is rushed by a man with a gun. he shoots and she catches the bullet between her index finger and thumb. flicks the bullet away and shoots man in the head. walks away casually. black fade out.
- black fade in on her sitting in shadows against a wall. a limo is seen pulling up. her eyes become more alert. fires a shot at the wheel. limo stops and she rushes the passenger section. opens the door and both the politician in the car and her have guns head to head. the stare down. he seems smug. she seems anxious - first time we see her emotions begin to take over when on the job and the psychosis begins. screen goes black and you hear gunshot.
- see man get out of limo casually, adjusting his shirt cuffs and hails a taxi. gets away. view in limo. antihero looks dead with gunshot in stomach, her hand covering the spot. after taxi sounds can no longer be heard, she moves her hand and it's her hand that was shot when she caught the bullet in her palm. she gets out, looking forlorn but motivated. she holsters gun and screen goes black.

verbal story: the story is told by the antihero but through a narrator voice. her thoughts are the narrator.

narration basics: she narrates at the beginning that she can end it all and that she's tried to shoot herself so many times before. she says she should just end it. but then she says she will no longer be the target. she's tried to hate herself for too long. flashback enters and she narrates her prior relationship to the politician that ruined her life. then she explains as she suits up and heads out into the city that she has motivation to not only take out this man but to help anyone else who is a victim of violent crime. when she gets to limo scene, she explains that she knew he'd be here tonight and that it was time to take him out. she narrates again once we come onto her looking dead. she explains her plan was to make him think she is dead. now isn't the time. she needs to get in one good shot. she says "this gun has one bullet left in it. it's for you." screen goes black.

feeling: audience should feel that she doesn't care about life, that she is calm and collected when on the "job" but psychotic in her private life. casual killing.

tone changes - tone is sadly psychotic at first. then switches to casual death. then anxiety. finally, we end with resolute revenge.

stakes - get constantly raised throughout piece. first criminal is unaware of her presence. she has the upper hand and the stakes are relatively low. that and he has a knife versus her gun. second guy raises stakes. he blatantly sees her and tries to shoot her. her skill at catching bullets saves her though and she gets him in one shot to the head. stakes are the highest at climax when both oppositions have guns directly against each other's foreheads. she does get injured but is able to use her skill to save her life and hopefully dupe the man.

twist - she survives the shooting.

withholding information - she will in her narration withhold information. she doesn't explain her plan fully. she explains the basics of her motivation but not the extreme details. flashback is mostly a series of still and little motion. it's supposed to be static memory for her because of her psychotic internal state.

goals -
small: eliminate violent crimes when possible, come to terms with herself and regain a sense of worth.
big: kill politician who ruined her old life.

dark moment - when we see her "dead".

climax - guns to each other's heads.

visual - black, white and gray. maybe blues and reds? illustrator style. flat, planar. solid colors.

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