Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Schedule Detailed Breakdown

August 31 - Prepare for pitch. AE experiment(s).

September 2 - Prepare for pitch. AE experiment(s).

September 7 - Present AE experiment(s). Present Pitch. (experiment presentation subject to change)

September 9 - Revise pitch elements and begin to create into storyboard.

September 14 - Continue to work on storyboard.

September 16 - Revise storyboard elements that are not working or are unclear. Critique in class if time is given.

September 21 - Take revised storyboard and create an animatic in order to for clarity and to revise timing issues.

September 23 - Revise any animatic issues in clarity and timing and begin work on an asset creation. Critique in class if possible.

September 28 - Continue to work on assets.

September 30 - Continue to work on assets.

October 5 - Revise assets that are unclear or ill-formed. Critique in class if possible.

October 7 - Finalize assets so that animation can begin.

October 12 - MIDTERM grading - Finish assets and begin staging in AE (i.e. set up scenes, "rig" objects and characters that utilize this function)

October 14 - MIDTERM grading - continue AE setup

October 19 - Fall Break

October 21 - Begin animation.

October 26 - Continue to animate.

October 28 - Check work thus far through critique if possible. First scene/part completion.

November 2 - Animate my ass off.

November 4 - Continue animation.

November 9 - Half the project should be complete at this point. Present for critique if at all possible and make necessary revisions.

November 11 - Continue last part of animation.

November 16 - Work more on animating.

November 18 - Revise and finalize in preparation for final.

November 23 - Finish animation. Project should be complete at this point. Present for critique.

November 25 - Thanksgiving Holiday

November 30 - Revise from critique and finalize.

December 2 - Revise from critique and polish it more.

December 7 - More revision and polishing to present for final.

December 9 - FINAL DUE

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