Place: big city characterized by classic skyscrapers in gray, black and white
Time: within 2 decades of now (near future), action occurs during nighttime hours
Atmosphere: characterized by the color palette (black, gray, white) so the cityscape is expansive, dingy, and somber while the characters are bold against it and seductive.

Main Character:

Karras (aka Bullet)
Karras' inner conflict is based on her past. She is self-destructive and a bit psychotic after losing her family. She resolves that to solve her inner turmoil, she must face and eliminate the man who destroyed her family.
Two skirmishes prior to attempting to resolve her major conflict in this particular piece. Her first instance is shooting an attempted rapist at point blank range with no feeling whatsoever. Her second instance is when she is caught off-guard by a would-be violent thief who tries to shoot her.
Story Arc:
Introduction - Karras is introduced in a bathroom scene trying to kill herself only to inadvertently stop herself once again and resolve to no longer make herself the target.
Rising Action - She sets out into the city where she encounters 2 distinct scenarios in which she kills the violent offender.
Midpoint - After her skirmishes, she is staking out a location where a limo comes up and a man gets in.
Climax - She approaches the parked limo to kill the man who is seated in the back. She finds he is prepared and they are caught in a stand-off. The man shoots and gets away nonchalantly. Karras is scathed by not critically.
Denouement - She realizes she has been to rash and has not thought the situation through clearly. She resolves to make use of this lesson so she can pursue him again.
Full details on plot available here.
This project will be completed in After Effects CS5 with possible aid from Toon Boom Animate. The puppet tool and basic character rigging will be involved in After Effects.
Stomach - Old from Sean Martin on Vimeo.
Example of character rigging style I want to emulate.
"A Kiss From Tokyo" Theatrical trailer from Stephane coedel on Vimeo.
Example of animation style I want to pursue. I like the seductive quality however, I do not plan to use it in that fashion.
Style - these are inspiration for the style I want, as in the Illustrator look and blacks, whites, and grays. These images are copyright to Karolina Anderson and I do not claim to own them in any way.

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