Cutting herself in bathroom with narration to introduce herself and inform the viewer of what happens to her during her abduction and slavery and how she knows who Patrick is. (We see her badly abused by her captors and brief imagery in montage fashion of her life being trafficked.)
She decides to run away and escapes, having to kill a guard to get out.
Act 2
(Resume scene of her in bathroom, we see door cracked open and she listens to girls outside talking.)
Karras overhears the girls talking and discovers the governor's fetish. (conveyed through brief imagery of the girls talking with narration.)
One of the girls refuses to service patrick because she thinks he's so sick. she walks in on karras (but thinks nothing of the situation of her hurting herself) and says "you want to do it right?", offering the job to her. karras obviously accepts. we see her preparing to leave by dressing into a fine business suit as she informs the viewer of her plan to not only take him out but to ruin his honor by making a public example of him.
Act 3
She arrives at patrick's condo and he tells her what he wants to do, his fetish for staging himself as a female prostitute and being beaten. she slyly agrees and as the scene progresses and they act out his fantasies we see a glint of a hidden camera lense. as they act out and patrick thinks karras is just doing what he wants, she takes it a step further and begins torturing him, revealing who she is and her motive, and finally kills him by slitting his throat with one of her razors.
Karras is seen mailing DVDs to an important newspaper, insulting his death after the fact.
Karras (revised facial/stylistic design)

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