Revisions should include - theme, story, character design, 3 act structure map
Theme(s) - ownership of your choices and your destiny, karma, take caution with who you share secrets with
3 Act Structure:

Act 1 - 1 minute, Act 2 - 3 minutes, Act 3 - 2 minutes
REMEMBER - There is narration so that we get to know everything we need to without having to see everything.
Act 1
Exposition - cutting herself in bathroom with narration to introduce her name, age, and pertinent information and inform the viewer of what happens to her during her abduction and slavery and how she knows who Patrick is.
Dramatic premise - story is about a kidnapped woman who decides to enact revenge on the ringleader behind the organization that did this to her.
Dramatic situation - her brain is now engrained with being a prostitute, so she feels she must take Patrick out in order to justify her choice of being a prostitute, that she does it without his influence.
Inciting Incident - She is badly abused by her captors.
Plot Point 1 - she decides to run away and escapes, having to kill a guard to get out. (takes OWNERSHIP and chooses to leave and do whatever it takes to get out)
Act 2
Obstacles - (introduced through narration, she is cutting herself while she recounts these), for a year, she's had to work her way up. she keeps getting passed up and doesn't gain an opportunity immediately to see patrick. (she OWNS her career "path" and sincerely tries to work her way up)
First Culmination - she gets her chance finally to see patrick.
Midpoint - when he introduces his fetish to her, she decides to act on this advantage and use it for more. (she CHOOSES to wait and get more out of her revenge.). His murder plot is that he likes to act out is him dressing as a prostitute and her brutalizing and "killing" him. She continues to see patrick and play along with his murder fetish whilst capturing it on hidden cameras each time she visits.
Act 3
Climax - on her final arrival, when patrick just wants to have sex first, karras gets angry and impatient and demands they stage his murder again. she finishes him off for good while informing him of her identity and motivation. (she CHOOSES to end him there and use his own murder plot to do it)
Denouement - karras is seen mailing DVDs to an important newspaper, insulting his death after the fact. (she OWNS ruining his memory)
The goal of the piece is intrinsically tied to the theme(s), informing the viewer to take control of their decisions and own the consequences. If one is careless with their choices, eventually karma will catch up with them. The experience should remind the viewer that while you cannot control everything, you must find a way to take advantage of what those situations hand you.

The cut on her face is symbolic of her reflection of herself. She views herself as scarred on the inside so she cuts herself to reflect it on the outside. Those particular scars though are from the part at the beginning when she's kidnapped. Her kidnappers deliver those blows to her. The cuts on her arms, legs, and stomach are due to her own actions.
Her weapon is her anonymity and her profession.
She willingly chooses to be a prostitute for multiple reasons - she knows this is THE way to get close to him, to work her way up to him. Psychologically, she cannot get out of this profession. She is trapped in it BUT she CHOOSES to work for someone versus working the street alone because she can work for a high-class brothel that will be her ticket to getting to Patrick. (She takes advantage of the "skill" she's learned and uses it as her weapon.)
She has two main outfits - when she's not working, she wears a tank top and exercise shorts, dressed down when she's at home. There's no reason for her to dress up. When she's at Patrick's place, she wears a business suit and ties her hair back tightly. She has to wear these clothes to get in without stirring suspicions. The condo is high class and only expects high class individuals.
MadamHer appearance is never actually seen. She is conveyed through narration from Karras only. Her role is to get Karras a job with the governor.
PatrickHas a safe place (condo). Karras must dress high class to enter. She always enters wearing a business suit.
Patrick's Fetish:
An autassassinophiliac derives pleasure from planning or staging his or her own murder. It may seem like a strange thing to enjoy, but many people do strange things in an effort to draw attention to themselves. There are many conditions that involve people inflicting harm on themselves or threatening to do so to make others feel sorry for them and pay attention to them. Death by murder often gets more attention than other forms of death, so an autassassinophiliac probably likes to imagine how much of this attention their murder and death would get. It is a catch 22, however; being murdered would get them the attention they desire, but they wouldn't get to enjoy it. So this is why they simply like to plan and stage their murder and not actually go through with it."
His fantasy murder plot is that he poses as a female prostitute who is brutalized and then killed.